Sunday, October 3, 2010

Widsom Corner:

Wisdom warns us of many things and here is one: There are some friendships that one cannot afford to develop or maintain because the price of being their friend is too high.

This type of person requires that a friend of theirs deny the relationship that they have with their family. Even if they are not going for a total break-up of the relationship, their inferiority complex will feel comforted if they have succeeded in a break-up of closeness.

If you have noticed, even in the slightest way that when you are with your friend, thoughts and feelings assail you of abandoning your family, which includes feelings of abandoning your children, then beware!


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Wisdom Corner: Don't Be A Hot-Head

A wise person finds out the facts first before they speak, but even then, they choose their words wisely.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wisdom Corner

  • Don't follow a bitter and angry person because their road leads to personal unhappiness.
  • Don't envy bullies because they have no love.
  • Go to a Christ-centered Bible believing church or Bible Study for the message of Christ Jesus spoken to your soul is like the warm rays of the much needed sun on a cold, wintry day.
  • Keep good wholesome standards for your life, for after all, you are not a toilet bowl for someone's mess.

Motivational Bible Reading

When feeling unloved, look for the fruit that God has blessed you to bear and rejoice in the love which He has shown you.

Read: Genesis 29:15-31