Sunday, May 31, 2020


It is funny that often times we think that we can only go to God with big problems. God does not discriminate. He will answer all prayers according to His will, big and small.

God will answer your prayers for financial needs the same way He can answer your prayers for which store you should travel to first when running your errands. That is an awesome God!

Bible Trivia Questions
1.  How did God curse the animal that deceived Eve?
2.  What does Eve's name mean?
3.  How did God say mankind was similar to Him?
4.  Why did God protect the tree of life?
5.  What did God place at the east of the garden of Eden to guard the tree of life?

Inspirational Bible Verse of the Week
Proverbs 1:7
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Bible Trivia Questions Answers
1.  He forced it to live on the ground and in the dust
2.  Mother of all living
3.  They could know good from evil
4.  So that man couldn't obtain a means to live forever
5.  Cherubims and a flaming sword

Sunday, May 24, 2020


The path to receiving God's blessings in your life may not always be smooth. You may encounter many obstacles along the way.

Stay in faith and believe that God is with you. Do not give up just because things may seem difficult or impossible. God will move all mountains and obstacles that stand in the way of any blessing he has for you.

Bible Trivia Questions
1.  Who does the animal that deceived Eve represent?
2.  What did the deceptive animal convince Eve to do?
3.  What did Adam do after Eve obeyed the animal and transgressed against the Lord's commandment?
4.  Why did Adam hide himself from the Lord?
5.  What did the Lord NOT do as a result of the disobedience of Adam and Eve? (a) kill them instantly; b) give them the ability to feel emotion; c) cast them out of Eden and His presence; d) cause them to work the ground for food)

Inspirational Bible Verse of the Week
Isaiah 54:17
"No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me," declares the Lord.

Bible Trivia Questions Answers
1.  Lucifer
2.  Partake of the forbidden fruit
3.  He also transgressed against the Lord's commandment
4.  He was embarrassed because he realized he was naked
5.  Kill them instantly

Sunday, May 17, 2020


There may be times in your life that you will deal with certain emotions that are unwelcome and/or unexplained.

You may be going through a difficult situation but that Lord is helping you through it and you know things could be much worse. You are grateful and happy but for some reason you start to feel sad and cannot figure out why.

Pray against these unwelcome emotions. Pain and suffering do not come from God. They are distractions from the devil who is trying to keep you from experiencing the joy in knowing that our God will see you through all difficult situations that you encounter in your life.

Constantly pray away those unwelcome emotions and ask God to fill your heart with joy and peace.

Bible Trivia Questions
1.  Where did Adam and Eve live?
2.  Which two trees grew in the midst of the garden?
3.  Which tree bore fruit that God forbade Adam and Eve to partake of?
4.  What would happen to anyone who would partake of such fruit?
5.  What animal deceived Eve?

Inspirational Bible Verse of the Week
Isaiah 43:1
But now, this is what the Lords says - he who created you, O Jacob he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine".

Bible Trivia Questions Answers
1.  Garden of Eden
2.  The tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil
3.  The tree of knowledge of good and evil
4.  They would die
5.  A serpent

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Do not be discouraged that our celebration of Mother's Day looks a lot different from years past. 

You may be accustomed to going out to eat with family and having a big celebration meal or even going shopping for the mother in your life. With the coronavirus affecting our world this year, things are a lot different. Do not be upset. There are all kinds of ways that you can still enjoy celebrating the mother in your life.

Send a text, facetime a greeting, you can even send a gift through online shopping. It is the thought that counts.

Inspirational Bible Verse of the Week
Proverbs 31:28-29
Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all."

To all the mothers that are with us today and those who are celebrating in Heaven.

Image result for mothers day gif

Sunday, May 3, 2020


It is important to pray daily and ask God to help give you the strength to make it through all situations that you may face in your life.

It is easy to be grateful and happy when things are good and life is going your way. It is very hard to keep this same attitude when dealing with unpleasant or difficult situations that may occur in your life.

When troubles come, pray and ask God to give you joy, hope, peace, and faith, even now when times are hard. God will see you through!

Bible Trivia Questions
1.  How long was Jesus in Jerusalem before His parents found Him?
2.  Did Jesus institute the sacrament before or after he was killed?
3.  What are the first four books of the New Testament?
4.  What happened when Pharaoh didn't listen to Moses when he told him to let his people go?

Inspirational Bible Verse of the Week
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Bible Trivia Questions Answers
1. Three days
2.  Before
3.  Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
4.  God sent plagues