Sunday, June 30, 2019


There may be things in our lives that we need and some things that we want, but we don't see how we can achieve getting these things.

"You want to be debt free. You need a new car. You want your business to get off the ground and be successful. You want that promotion at work. You want safety and health for you and your family."

For all things hoped for, wanted and needed, pray and ask God to make a way for you to achieve the desires of your heart according to His will for your life.

Bible Trivia Questions
1.  What special items(s) was/were included in Aaron's breastplate of judgment?
2.  How did Sarah learn that she would have a child?
3.  Who complained that her sister Mary would not help her prepare food as Jesus taught them?
4.  What did God put in the sky to tell Noah that He would never punish the world in the same way ever again?

Inspirational Bible Verse of the Week
Matthew 6:33
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Bible Trivia Questions Answers
1.  Urim and Thummim
2.  She overheard it.
3.  Martha.
4.  A rainbow.

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